


We're here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. Below, you'll find answers to help you navigate our platform and make the most out of your learning experience.

How do I access my lessons?
After you subscribe, go to the "Home Page" section. Here, you'll find a list of all the course available to you. Click on the Course you want to start, and you'll be taken to the lesson page where you can begin your learning journey.

What if I have technical issues?
If you experience any technical issues while using our service, you can reach out to our customer support team via email to support@8elements.net. Provide as much detail as possible about the problem, and we'll work to resolve it as quickly as possible.

How can I provide feedback or suggest improvements?
We value your feedback and suggestions to make our service better. You can share your thoughts and suggestions to our email support@8elements. We appreciate your input and strive to incorporate it into our future updates.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out our support team via email to support@8elements.net. We're here to help you on your English learning journey!